Guardian Project: The Flyer

Yesterday, the NHL released the 6th of their 30 superhero’s in The Guardian Project. He was our very own representative: The Flyer.

"“The Flyer” is a patriotic American who bleeds red, white and blue (and orange and black of course) but isn’t blind to the inequities of the system. He lives to be a leader and loves being the driving force behind making the world a better place. Of course, like his fellow Philadelphians, he has the propensity to let his intensity get the better of him.As one of the many “Birds” within the NHL Guardian world, the Flyer has the obvious ability of flight. His unique addition to the Guardian “Air Force” is his gift of sight. He can pinpoint objects from 30 thousand feet and is able to see through obstacles making him slightly more valuable in certain situations. He has a titanium eagle that he keeps as a pet and he can see whatever the eagle sees. The Flyer possesses the ability of suggestion meaning he can read an opponent’s mind and make them do things against their will. He is the only true telekinetic Guardian, able to move with great force any object he sets his mind to."

It’s pretty obvious that the NHL and Stan Lee didn’t listen to my suggestions. They didn’t do much better in the name department.  But I guess when you’re making 30 superhero’s corresponding with NHL teams, the simpler the better. As for the super powers:

  • Flight: duh!
  • Binocular vision: He can see from far away. Great, a superhero that doesn’t need laser surgery. What’s this have to do with Philly?
    • A pet eagle, who The Flyer can see through: Are we turning into the Patriots? Is there going to be another SpyGate?
  • Telekinesis: Again, what’s this have to do with Philly?
  • Mind melding: What the?
  • Durability: Finally, something legit. This is the only thing that reflects Philadelphia’s toughness.
  • I’m not sure about the design yet.  The wings look comcial, the body looks generic, and the glasses look freaking stupid. Also, how the hell is a superhero going to look tough when he’s orange? The legs are black, with a few bits of orange, and that looks cool. They should have made the upper torso similar.

    So, overall, I think this is incredibly stupid.  Are we going to have a cartoon made out of this? What’s the point of this? And I’m curious to see what evil it is that the NHL Guardians are protecting us from? Let me guess, it’s NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman:

    Thanks for reading!

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