My wife and I are about to embark on our yearly vacation. It’s usually earlier in the year, but it just worked out this year that it would be near the end of Summer. No big deal. My Baseball team is quite a bit out of it, Football is in pre-season mode, and the Hockey season is still a ways away. Every year we try to think of “Bucket List” items we would like to cross off when planning a destination. We like to rotate our plans every other year. One year its outside the country the other is what we call local (somewhere inside the U.S.). I think everyone should have there own version of a “Bucket List”. Life is too short to be bogged down with a lot of would’ve, could’ve, should’ve. We say to ourselves things we would love to do, places we’d love to go, stuff we’d love to see when planning out our trips. You see the love part of those statements is more like a wish. But most of the time wishes don’t come true if you don’t act on them. Don’t treat your list like an “if”, make it more of a “when”. “If” implies doubt. “When” is only a matter of time. So our time is going to be for the next two weeks. Trying to squeeze as much as we can this year so there won’t be a lot of down time to write. Sometimes we put too much on our plate and I feel I need a vacation from the vacation. That’s just the way we are though. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
*One of my top things on my “Bucket List” is really out of my hands. I would LOVE to see the Philadelphia Flyers win at least one Stanley Cup in my lifetime. Some years it doesn’t seem like I am asking too much, but others (last year) is seems like it might be a while. I can’t explain it, but I am really excited about this upcoming season. Truth is though I am more of a person that looks at each and every season through orange and black glasses. Why not??? If you are a person that is only fixated on the gloom-and-doom my question to you is this: “Why bother to watch the games then?”. You watch because most of the time the Flyers as a whole give you hope. So every year I enter the season hoping this is the year that I cross this one off my list. Realistically do I think they have a chance? I don’t know. I definitely think they should make the playoffs. That is barring any major injuries of course. From there anything can happen.
*So Claude Giroux is out for the next four to five weeks because he injured his hand while attempting a shot and his club shattered. Now I am a pretty bad golfer and that is putting it mildly. The only way shine a light on my golf game is to say that it is adventurous at best. I might be going out-on-a-limb here by saying this but…If you shatter your club on any given shot, and I don’t care how crappy the clubs are; believe me that shot never had a chance.
*All kidding aside I wouldn’t be surprised if Giroux missed most of the pre-season, but play near the end of it. I doubt he will miss any regular games because of this injury.
*The Flyers “Flight Plan” web series has been absolutely awesome so far. I wish the episodes were longer; but who’s kidding who? They could make them an hour or two long and my butt would still be wanting more.
*Steve Mason is changing his mask for next season. He is going with a zombie-fied version of Betsy Ross and Ben Franklin; one on either side. He likes the horror theme on his masks. After looking at the mock-up of it I have to admit that looks pretty sweet.
*I wonder if Ray Emery is going to change his up too, or go with the one he had in 2010.
Well that is all for the next couple weeks. As always you can leave any comments or questions here or e-mail them to me direct at or follow me on Twitter @RevPhillyD.