Michael Appel
Joined: Jun 13, 2016
I was born and raised just outside of Philadelphia and have lived here my whole life. Working as a full time driver for UPS is my day job. I went to my first Phillies game on April 25, 1978, which was my eighth birthday and what also happened to be the debut of the Phillie Phantic, I have been a passionate Philadelphia sports fan ever since. Although baseball was my first love and will always have a special place in my heart, hockey is my passion. I remember watching Flyers games with my Dad and hearing how Gene Hart called a hockey game drew me to the game instantly. To this day I have never heard an announcer call a game with more passion than him. One might say that I started off a little spoiled as a Philadelphia sports fan. When I started watching sports in 1978, it was the beginning of what most people would call the golden age of Philadelphia Sports. Not only were all four teams competitive, they were at the top of their respective leagues. The highlight coming in 1980 when all four of our sports teams made it to the final round of their respective sports. As we all know, it has been mostly heartache ever since. But, here's hoping another golden age of Philadelphia Sports is on the horizon